Social Justice and Cultural Studies


为了获得学位,你必须完成至少一个学术专业. 上海外国语大学鼓励学生探索不同的学术路径, so if you change your mind about a major or minor, or want to include an additional program, you are able to do so, as outlined below.

请注意,大学鼓励你在大三开始时进入你选择的专业和辅修专业. 转学为三年级和四年级的学生应在SPU的前两个季度内进入一个专业.

  • If this is your first quarter at SPU 并且你在申请入学时将社会正义与文化研究专业作为你的第一选择, you have gained entry to the major. To change or add a major or minor, follow these instructions.
  • 如果你是SPU学生,SPU累计GPA为2.0 or better, follow these instructions to enter a major or minor in this department.
  • 留校察看学生(SPU累计GPA低于2).0) 在恢复良好的学术成绩之前,不允许进入新的专业或辅修专业.
  • The University requires a grade of C- or better in all classes that apply to a major or minor; however, 某些课程可能要求更高的最低成绩. 为了获得更高的分数,你只能重修SPU的课程一次.
  • To advance in this program, 定期与指导老师讨论你的成绩, course progression, 以及其他令人满意的学业进步指标. 如果你的成绩或其他因素表明你可能无法成功完成主修或辅修课程, 你的指导老师可以和你一起探索各种选择, 这可能包括选择不同的主修或辅修.
  • 你必须完成主要或次要的要求 在你进入主修或辅修专业的那一年,在SPU本科目录中有效.
Program Offered
  • 社会正义与文化研究(主修及专修)

Social Justice and Cultural Studies Faculty

Program Director: Kimberly Segall博士

In this major, you will study culture, representation, 和权力,以便分析社会形态,比如性别, 比赛, class, sexuality — and explore forms of protest, 电阻, and social change. 对这一领域的研究将受到基督教社会正义神学的影响.

这个专业为教育等各种职业提供了一个入口, human rights law, refugee work, public policy, mediation in non-governmental organizations, and environmental advocacy, as well as the creative arts (e.g.、纪录片制作、平面设计、创意写作等.). Students focus their study by selecting one of the following tracks in the major: Advanced Cultural Studies; Art for Social Change; Meditation, 和平, and 冲突 Resolution; Pre-Law Human Rights and 政策; or Environmental Justice.

  • A minimum 65 credits 这个专业需要多少学分,包括25个上学分.
  • Students are encouraged 追求辩护、实习或出国留学的机会.

Find out more about this program’s mission, vision, and learning outcomes.

Social Justice and Cultural Studies (BA)

This major includes these five separate tracks, 允许您追求您的特定学术和职业兴趣:

Track A: Pre-law human rights and policy

对于那些在移民法等领域寻求社会变革的人, mass incarceration, refugee work, sexuality issues, gender policies, 健康, 教育, housing policies, 争取公民权利和人权的社会活动.

  • 对政策变化或法学院感兴趣的学生.
  • 对于那些投资于政策变化和文件的人,建议选修社会科学统计课程.

Track B: Art for social change

致力于通过艺术形式改变世界的学生, including graphic design, creative writing, 剧本创作, 摄影, and documentary film.

  • 如果你想将写作与平面设计或电影制作与纪录片研究结合起来, this track connects art and justice activism.
  • 社会创业规划课程推荐给那些想要创业的人.


For students interested in social services, political/non-governmental organizations (NGOs), human resources, and social work.

  • Interested in changing the world? 和平与解决冲突的这条轨道为您在各种企业或社会环境中工作做好了准备, 让你准备好应对社会政治分裂和调解微小的侵略.
  • 如果你想领导一个小组,这条赛道为社会工作奠定了基础.
  • 对于未来的社会工作硕士学位,建议选修社会科学统计课程.

Track D: Advanced cultural studies

专为致力于文化研究的学生而设, this track is ideal for future educators, graduate students, and double majors.

  • 如果你正在考虑将来攻读博士学位,选修文学理论课是很有帮助的.
  • 如果你未来的毕业领域是文化研究,可以考虑双学位 film studies or Asian studies.
  • If teaching is your vision with an MA in Education, this is your track.

Track E: Environmental justice

适合对环境法和公共政策形式感兴趣的学生, this track offers skills in environmental data, 统计数据, 研究, 图表分析,以帮助你评估政策对人群的影响, regarding climate change, land management, locational risks, and water shortages.

  • 关心你周围世界的状态? This track is for future environmental lawyers, non-profits, and as a starting point for ecological 研究.
  • 本课程建议选修环境科学或政策.
  • 网易彩票app鼓励你完成环境研究方面的实习,作为你职业探索的一部分.

Study Abroad opportunities

South Africa: Literature and 剧院

这个SPU全球研讨会研究南非的文学、戏剧和文化. 在12月期间拍摄(在秋季学期之后).

Spain and Morocco: Writing and Resistance

这个SPU全球研讨会研究西班牙和摩洛哥的文学和跨国文化. 在12月期间拍摄(在秋季学期之后).

有关这些和其他出国留学机会的详细信息,请访问SPU Study Abroad 页面.